From A to Z: Antenatal care tips for a smooth pregnancy journey
Pregnancy journey is very hectic and stressful which can take a toll on your mental as well as physical health. That’s why it is very important to be prepared for this beautiful yet difficult journey ahead with antenatal care tips. So to help other mothers during pregnancy, our patient Sweksha Bhagat has given some pregnancy tips which she found helpful during her pregnancy. She gave birth to an adorable little baby at Sukhmani Hospital under the care of Dr. Kanwal Preet Gandhi. Sweksha has given A to Z antenatal care tips which will help you in your own pregnancy journey. So let’s look at these A to Z tips:
A- Almighty will help you.
During pregnancy, you are going through a lot of changes, you might feel scared and vulnerable in many moments. At such times, keeping your faith in almighty is very helpful, it will keep you calm and at peace.
B- Breastfeeding is a skill.
If you are facing difficulty in breastfeeding, don’t be scared, it is very common for first-time mothers. You will get the hang of it with time and practice, so keep on trying. It is a skill that’s why you will learn it with daily practice.
C- Calm yourself down.
You should try to be calm and composed during pregnancy, it is a very important antenatal care tip. It is not good for you and the baby, if you get anxious or over excited about something. So to be more calm, you can start doing meditation once or twice a day.
D- Diet should be healthy, frequent meals.
Your pregnancy diet plan should have nutritious and healthy meals that give you all the necessary vitamins and nutrients to your body. Don’t consume raw meat or fish, always wash your fruits and vegetables thoroughly before consuming. Make sure you eat frequent meals within regular intervals as it is good for antenatal care tips. Also it is a myth that you have to eat for two.
E- Exercise daily.
Daily exercising is a must as it helps in blood flow. Post-partum, you need a lot of strength to recover and bounce back. When you exercise regularly, your strength also increases automatically which will help in the recovery process. So don’t miss your exercise sessions as it is crucial for healthy pregnancy.
F- Fruits are a great snack.
You should replace your unhealthy snacks with healthy ones like fresh fruits. Fruits have a lot of nutrients which is why they should be in your pregnancy meal plan. Eating snacks made with unhealthy oils might make you sick, so avoid them. If you eat fruits five times a day, it will work like magic to your health and it is the best food for pregnancy.
G- Gestational Diabetes can be managed.
Don’t be scared of gestational diabetes, it can be managed. You can adjust your sugar dosage by maintaining a sugar chart and following it diligently. Don’t consume packaged sugar as it is bad for your health. Try to maintain a healthy weight by being active and exercising and follow gestational diabetes tips.
H- Help is needed.
If you need any kind of help, don’t hesitate to ask. You should be more careful during pregnancy. Don’t be shy to ask for antenatal care.
I- Insurance, sort it in advance.
Ask about insurance in advance and sort it out. Don’t leave it for the last minute, as it is very important. Inquire the hospital regarding cashless admission and packages.
J- Juggling too many things may not be possible.
Postpartum, many women get mom brains which means they suffer from brain fog or memory loss for 2-4 months. During such times, don’t try to juggle too many things at the same time and have good antenatal care. Take one step at a time and relax, don’t stress your brian.
K- Know your body.
You should be aware of your body and its needs. Try different pregnancy care methods to avoid morning sickness and vomiting, some might work others may not. Everybody is different so don’t compare your process with another.
L- Listen to music or shlokas.
Listen to your favourite songs to uplift your mood during pregnancy as it is a good antenatal care tip. You can also listen to chants or shlokas, not as a ritual but when you feel like listening to them. Listening to music or shlokas help you calm down and feel more relaxed.
M- Mindfulness.
Mindfulness is an art of living in the moment and being aware of your thoughts, feelings and bodily sensations. You will feel tranquil during your pregnancy, when you do mindfulness. So learn and practise mindfulness and then preach it to others as it is one of the most effective pregnancy health tips.
N- Negative thoughts spiral.
When you are pregnant or postpartum, you feel a lot of emotions, it is an up-down cycle of positive and negative thoughts. It is normal to have negative thoughts. You can try to avoid them by taking some time out for yourself and having good antenatal care during the chaos to feel relaxed and happy.
O- Observe your child.
You should not stress about the baby after birth. Just quietly observe, you will get to know all about them. Being a mother, you will feel some maternal instincts, follow them to understand your child.
P- Partners can help and support in the emotional journey.
You should communicate your feelings and emotions to your partner clearly as it will help them understand your state of mind. Your emotional journey will be easier when your partner is there to support you and when you have good antenatal care. Don’t accumulate your feelings inside, talk about them.
Q- Questions.
Don’t hesitate to ask questions, write down all of them in a notepad whether it is about you or the baby. But beware, don’t ask the questions to Dr. Google, instead ask them to Dr. Gandhi.
R- Relax your body and mind.
You should loosen up and unwind your emotions, it is very important for antenatal care. Don’t put any stress on your body and mind, try to relax. You should do Yoga Nidra as it will with power naps. Also yoga is good for you both mentally and physically.
S- Social networking sites should be used selectively.
You should not believe everything you see online on social media platforms because most of the time, amateurs are telling untrue information. Always remember reels are not real. Try to use less social media as it has a lot of fake news regarding antenatal care which might stress you out that is not good for your health.
T- Take your supplements.
Both prenatal care and postpartum care supplements are a must-have. Take your supplements on time as they help you recover. Supplements contain vitamins that you are not able to get from your normal diet.
U- Ultrasounds and tests should be done on time.
You should always visit your doctor on time. Do not miss any appointments or tests as they help you monitor the baby. Also do all the necessary tests to be more safe and prepared.
V- Vaginal hygiene is important.
Taking care of your vaginal hygiene is a very important antenatal care tip. Always use good quality pads which are comfortable, avoid using tampons. Use sanitary napkins or warm water to clean your perineal area.
W- Water intake
It is very important to follow this antenatal care tip to be hydrated. When you drink enough water, it will cure your headaches and nausea. Also, it improves lactation.
X- X Factor
Babies are unpredictable, even if you are fully prepared and doing everything right, they might surprise you. Be ready!
Y- You will make mistakes.
Making mistakes is inevitable, so don’t be hard on yourself if you make one. Always try to learn something from it and improve yourself. It will help you in the future if you follow antenatal care tips.
Z- Zoom in for those giggles.
Take pictures of your baby and zoom in on their cute smiles and giggles, but sometimes just keep the camera away. Your baby loves to see your face more than the screen.
With these A to Z antenatal care tips by Sweksha Bhagat, you can prepare yourself and have a smooth pregnancy journey. From prenatal consultation to postnatal support, at Sukhmani Hospital we provide the Best Pregnancy treatment in Delhi. We have skilled and experienced healthcare professionals like Dr. Kanwalpreet Gandhi who will help you in your pregnancy journey and will give the best pregnancy care treatment. Hope you learn something from these antenatal care tips.
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